Chiang Research Group



The Chiang's group focus on fundamental light-matter interactions: manipulate light to induce new chemical and physical phenomena, and leverage these to pursue interdisciplinary projects linking physics, chemistry, materials science and biomedical engineering.

1: Coherent Control of Surface Chemistry

Quantum coherent control of surface-bound molecules will introduce new chemical mechanisms at surfaces. We will use weak and moderately intense laser field, with the aid of plasmon-enhanced near-field effects, to manipulate the molecular alignments and torsional angles in the liquid-phase.

2: Non-Contact Plasmon-Induced Intracellular Delivery

The goal is to develop plasmon-induced intracellular delivery and imaging platforms capable of facilitating efficient and precise delivery of a variety of cargos into living cells, while maximizing their survivability. This presents unique capabilities that can drive innovation in fundamental science and translational medicine.